Droit de l’énergie Prosumer tariff is due as of 1st January 2020 in Wallonia
Date de publication
16 janvier 2020
The prosumer* tariff is a tariff for the use of the electricity distribution network by prosumers. It entered into force on 1st January 2020 and will be added to the electricity supplier’s bill. This tariff applies to all prosumers (regardless of the production technology used).
The aim of this tariff is to ensure that all users contribute fairly to the costs of the electricity distribution network.
If the prosumer has a meter that accounts separately for withdrawal and injection (dual-flow or smart meter), a proportional tariff may be applied.
If, on the other hand, the prosumer does not have such a meter, a specific flat rate will apply, depending on the net developable electrical power of the production installation.
*user of the low-voltage distribution network with a decentralised electricity production installation with a power less than or equal to 10kVA, capable of injecting and withdrawing electricity from the network at the same connection point.